Thursday, August 9, 2012

Occupy Corporatism
August 9, 2012

Vaccines being created now are done so with patented GMOs mixed with human DNA which creates broken information that are read by the cells of the body and directly translates to disease in the body.

The pandemic fear surrounds such genetically engineered bio-weapons such as the bird flu H5N1 that continually changes its make-up which is not a naturally occurrence. A propaganda study led by Ron Fouchier, professor from Erasmus Medical Center, researched which viruses would cause pandemics so that the pharmaceutical industry could get to work on focused vaccines and pressure governments to push them onto the general population.

Fouchier claimed that he proved H5N1 mutated naturally, although scientists analyzing the virus found that it is 3 different types of flu spliced together.

Global propaganda surrounding vaccine necessity is evident in the Peak Body Childcare Queensland that kept illegal files on unvaccinated children. According to Gwynn Bridge, Childcare Queensland’s chief executive, “Maintaining a current list of children who are not immunized is vital as these children must be excluded if there is any outbreak of a disease (that can be immunized against).”

Those parents who choose to have their children vaccinated receive financial kickbacks under the guise of “controlling infectious diseases”.

The scientific community is mounting evidence that vaccines are directly causational to the appearance of superbugs and bacteria that threaten the future of the human race. And what these researchers are calling for – more vaccines .

Scientists are finding that the whooping cough vaccine contributes to the colorization of the bacteria in the lungs. In real world observation, we are seeing a rise in whooping cough, despite the increased inoculations.

Recently the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have come forward to war people about the dangers of pigs, contact with pigs and a new strain of swine flu that is most likely to affect children in the US.

The new strain is derived from the original virus which came to light in 2009. This shows the new type has been engineered; as it is an amplified version of the first.

The justification for boys having the HPV protecting Gardasil vaccine was that it supposedly demonstrated protection to the unvaccinated. A study to be in Pediatrics this month will apparently prove this point. However before the findings are released to the public, the pharmaceutical industry have begun their campaign to inoculate as many boys as possible.

The National Cancer Institute, holder of the patent and financial beneficiary of HPV vaccines assisted drug corporations having their inoculant approved by the FDA that would then be pressured onto the general public.

Studies were suppressed that showed the HPV vaccines enhanced cervical cancer incidents.
Merck, manufacturer of Gardasil, has been recently caught falsifying results of its MMR vaccine so that the CDC would continue to provide funding. The German pharmaceutical corporation began as a bio-weapons firm in 1942 and specialized in weaponizing bacteria and viruses.

In the 1990s, Merck began playing with the vaccine test results to reflect 95% efficiency to keep their federal funding contracts for the MMR inoculations. Merck added animal antibodies to assist in the falsified results while continuing to spread contagion in their vaccine.

In Italy, a court awarded the parents of a boy who developed autism immediately after receiving the MMR vaccine at 15 months old. Although the pediatrician refused the parent’s suspicions that the inoculation caused the drastic change in behavior, the Italian Health Ministry disagreed.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act of 2006 (PREP) allowed the federal government the power to declare a national emergency for any infectious disease that was believed to be spreading throughout the general population. It also required that vaccinations be made mandatory in the US.

Testing for the efficiency of inoculations goes back to German concentration camps where IG Farben (the drug cartel consisting of BASF, Bayer and Hoechst) and pharmaceutical and chemical corporations that used these people in experimentation to create a master race.

Chemical laced foods and vaccines were forced onto the populations of concentration camps to test and record the reactions of the human body to such an assault. Vaccines contain many ingredients that are toxic and cause cancer. Adverse effects and fatalities are becoming the norm.

  • Trial results for vaccines are mostly based on animal testing
  • Vaccines contain thimersol, a mercury-based preservative
  • Squalene is an adjuvant that causes inflammation of the nervous system
  • Genetically modified bacteria compromises the immune system, causing a Cytokine storm that blocks passageways in the lungs

Vaccinations cause more harm than good. The push of the medical industry to vilianize natural medicine has been a long battle. In modern times, censoring of alternative medicine by the medical “professionals” is fronted by an Australian group of scientists called Friends of Science in Medicine (FSM). They are demanding that natural medicine be classified as a pseudo-science and made invalid. The FSM is supported by Gustav Nossal, biologist and creator of cervical cancer vaccines.

There focus is on homeopathy, naturopathy, iridology, chiropractic studies.

FSM, headed by John Dwyer, emeritus professor of medicine at the University of New South Wales, calls for the UK government and health insurance corporations to stop financially supporting their customers use of alternative medicine.

Not only is the assault against alternative medicine, but it is intended to eradicate the public’s ability to use natural remedies. The relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and governments is quite strong. Propaganda has successfully changed the social meme and created generations dependent on drugs to keep them healthy; although the evidence shows that they do more harm than good.

As recently as the beginning of the 20th century saw the prevailing use of natural medicine; in a time before drug corporations had convinced the general public that medical treatment could not be effective without them. However, this lie was purveyed simply to make the use of pharmaceuticals more prevalent than natural medicine because this way sickness could be managed and maximized for profit’s sake.

Source: Occupycorporatism

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