Tuesday, June 18, 2013

GMO, Global Alert 2yr Scientific Study Certifies GMO Is Poison & Cancer Causing

Traces Of Prozac In Water Make Fish “Antisocial, Aggressive And Even Homicidal”


Good thing there aren’t traces of Prozac in the water we drin– oh, wait. ABC News reports:

Fish swimming in water with a trace of the anti-depressant Prozac became edgy, aggressive and some even killed their mates.

The fish were subjected to traces of the drug by a research group at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee that examined how environmental exposure to the medication altered the behavior of fathead minnows. Lead researcher Rebecca Klapper says that this experimental setup could actually be a reflection of the fishes’ reality.

The human body does not absorb medications 100 percent, so a trace amount is excreted in urine. Water treatment centers are unable to completely filter out all of those contaminant and can trickle down and affect the wildlife.

Klapper sees the minnows as a way to gauge the long-term effects of Prozac in humans. “It’s not just an environmental question but a human question as well,” she tells ABC News.

Changes in the minnows’ reproductive behavior were seen in as low concentrations as 1 microgram per liter, equal to a single dose of Prozac dissolved in over 5,000 gallons of water.

Source: Disinfo

Shocking Truths about Walmart

On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin goes over how Walmart is swallowing up the world, citing examples of sexual discrimination, environmental pollution, disregard for workers’ safety, and costing tax-payers millions of dollars.…

Lewis Black on the NSA and Creepy Technology