Sunday, July 1, 2012

Apple Does Microsoft: Litigation is the New Innovation

Oh, to watch princesses bitch, bitch, bitch! In this age of bailouts, everybody who has any sense about them knows damn well that there is plenty of room for Apple and Google to come up with as many radioactive phones as they like. But Jobs’ crusade is being protected by cultish minions as, instead of developing new workable technology or trying to improve the plight of a suicidal Chinese workforce, Apple has won an injunction against the Samsung Galaxy Nexus – a touchscreen cellphone whose hardware and software were jointly developed by Google and Samsung engineers. But, don’t be mistaken, because Apple does not intend to win this injunction. Rather, they aim to slow the entrance of competitor products onto the marketplace.

It looks like American innovation is crashing and burning, heading for the graveyard economics of litigation over innovation. I guess we will all still be using 32-bit systems come 2036. Or maybe we will just be returned to DOS.

Before his death last fall, Steve Jobs spoke this eloquence:

“Our lawsuit is saying, ‘Google, you fucking ripped off the iPhone, wholesale ripped us off.’ Grand theft. I will spend my last dying breath if I need to, and I will spend every penny of Apple’s $40 billion in the bank, to right this wrong. I’m going to destroy Android, because it’s a stolen product. I’m willing to go to thermonuclear war on this. They are scared to death, because they know they are guilty. Outside of Search, Google’s products — Android, Google Docs — are shit.”

Man, must’ve been right around the same time he woke up to what a piece of junk the Ipad is. On the day Jobs’ uttered those words, there should have been some critical selloffs of the Apple stock. I am sure the shareholders felt affronted that Jobs’ was willing to throw away all of Apple’s reserves over sibling rivalry.

Apple is working from the mentality of monopolists, using the state-enterprise to derail other companies. Man, this has gotta be the top for Apple unless the bankers want to ride the stock further up for their own gains. But, nevertheless, this Apple is rotting to the core.

As for all of the stories written before this one here – from ABC to CNN to Forbes – if you feel so implored to bring legal action against me for my building upon your work: bring it on. SV, just like Jobs, will drain all of SV’s three-figure capital in making this right.

Goldman Sachs might want to speak up now: Sell AAPL.

Source: Silver Vigilante

FDA Approves Spraying Viruses on Meat Products

World’s First Genetically Modified Babies ‘Created’ in US

In a developing story, the Daily Mail is now reporting that the very first (admitted) group of genetically modified babies have been ‘created’ in the United States. The scientists involved reportedly announced the result on the night of June 27th, stating that 30 babies were born using genetic modification techniques. Furthermore, 2 of the babies tested were found to contain genes from a total of 3 different parents. The experiment also lasted over 3 years or more according to the researchers, which may be one of many.

The ‘GM babies’ were born into women who had trouble conceiving their own children. In order to ‘birth’ the babies, extra genes from a female donor were inserted into the women’s eggs before they were fertilized. After conception, scientists fingerprinted 2 of the one-year-old children and confirmed that they inherited DNA from 3 adults — one man and 2 women. What this means is that due to inheriting these extra genes through the genetic modification process, they will now be able to pass them along to their offspring. In other words, these genetically modified babies — if allowed to mate with non-GM humans — could potentially alter the very genetic coding of generations to come.

Genetecists state that this genetic modification method may one day be used to create babies “with extra, desired characteristics such as strength or high intelligence.”

The news comes after it was previously reported by British scientists that scientists were creating human-animal ‘monsters’. Such reports highlight the fact that rampant genetic experimentation is already taking place on many humans around the world, which has led a large number of scientists to call for new rules regarding the outlandish practice. Chinese scientists have already admittedly inserted human stem cells into goat fetuses, and United States researchers have actively researched the concept of engineering a mouse with human brain cells.

Many experts are now speaking out against the announcement, including leading fertility experts and major organizations. John Smeaton, national director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, said:

It is a further and very worrying step down the wrong road for humanity.

Source: Activist Post