Saturday, February 4, 2012

Feds Seize Over 300 More Websites On Piracy Charges

Federal agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have seized hundreds more website domain names in what has been described as a piracy crackdown.

The agency announced Thursday that it had taken control of the domain names of 307 websites as part of “Operation Fake Sweep”. Most of the websites in question were said to be illegally selling and distributing counterfeit sporting merchandise.

Sixteen of the websites had been set up to stream live NFL games as well as Sunday’s Super Bowl. Agents are said to have arrested a Michigan man, Yonjo Quiroa, who allegedly operated nine of the streaming sites. He has been charged with criminal copyright infringement.

Source: Prison Planet

Coconut Oil Touted as Alzheimer's Remedy

Denmark’s Christiania Village Goes Legit Via “Stock Shares”

This is my kind of capitalism. After 40 years, Christiania (a car-less, drug-addled autonomous squatter town surprisingly located in middle of urban Copenhagen) will buy the land on which it sits from the Danish government. But how to raise the money? The alternative society is selling symbolic ownership shares, and will have yearly “shareholder parties” which will no doubt be intense. The New York Times chimes:

Last summer, the Danish state offered to sell a good chunk of the 80-odd-acre former military base at the edge of downtown Copenhagen to Christiania, the alternative community whose residents had been squatting there illegally for four decades. For the residents, who fundamentally reject the idea of landownership, this presented an ideological quandary.

“Christiania has offered to buy it,” said Risenga Manghezi, a spokesman for the community. “But Christiania doesn’t want to own it.”

To resolve the contradiction, Mr. Manghezi and a handful of others decided to start selling shares in Christiania. Pieces of paper, hand-printed on site, the shares can be had for amounts from $3.50 to $1,750. Shareholders are entitled to a symbolic sense of ownership in Christiania and the promise of an invitation to a planned annual shareholder party. “Christiania belongs to everyone,” Mr. Manghezi said. “We’re trying to put ownership in an abstract form.”

Since the shares were first offered in the fall, about $1.25 million worth have been sold in Denmark and abroad. The money raised will go toward the purchase of the land from the government.

after a rocky decade under a conservative-led government, during which the carless, hashish-friendly community faced threats of expulsion and a Supreme Court ruling that said the squatters had no legal right to remain on the land, the residents made a pragmatic decision to buy the property — or, as many would have it, to “buy it free.”

“People were afraid, and we had to respect this fear,” said Allan Lausten, a handyman who took part in the negotiations despite an aversion to bureaucrats.

Source: Disinfo

Today Sweden Rallies Against ACTA and for Freedom of Sppech

Today, Sweden rallies for freedom of speech, a free net, and firmly against ACTA. Late yesterday, it was announced that Poland is suspending its ratification of ACTA indefinitely. The Slovenian ambassador signing the document (which has no legal effect whatsoever) has publicly apologized and called people to rally in Ljubljana, Slovenia for their rights.

This is not Hollywood versus Silicon Valley, as oldmedia likes to frame it. This is Hollywood versus The People. For decades, they have trained us to think in black and white, in good versus evil fighting for domination of the free world. And now, they’ve gone and put themselves in the role of evil villain.

The copyright cartel thought they were battling Google.

They’re not.


Hemp Oil Used To Cure Diabetes