Saturday, August 31, 2013

Biotech’s Next Line of Defense: Cartoons Are Used to Program Kids to Accept GMOs

What is the best way to change public perception on any topic?

Through entertainment.

The battle to control us through changing (or creating) our opinions is as old as history. Carefully disseminated disinformation was first documented in ancient Greece, when playwrights and poets created dramas for the sole purpose of indoctrinating their audience to a certain set of morals, standards, and beliefs. When creating his empire, Macedonian king Alexander the Great inundated the places he conquered with his image, on the coins, adorning building, and in the form of statues. Grand stories were written and shared about his generosity and the legends that were created on his behalf to this day make him larger than life.
In 324 B.C.E., Alexander requested that he be deified so that he could carryout a scheme of repatriating 20,000 Greek exiles, which was contrary to the established laws of the League of Corinth. He became the son of Zeus, and his face soon appeared on coins, replacing that of Heracles, the real mythological son of Zeus. He commissioned, or allowed to be built, many statues and monuments in his honor, and representations of his portrait were to be found everywhere in his empire, adorning pottery, coins, buildings, and formal art (P. M. Taylor, 1990, p. 31). Alexander was the first to recognize that to maintain cohesion and control over his vast empire, such propaganda symbols could serve as a constant reminder of the various subjugated populations just where the center of power resided. (source)

So through works of fiction, the unacceptable became acceptable, the alien became familiar, and the minds of the masses were changed and manipulated.

It’s the same today. One of the biggest fights on the planet right now is the fight for safe food and non-toxic farming practices. The biggest enemy to those of us who battle for natural, healthy food is the biotech industry, particularly companies like Monsanto and Dow.

Up until recently biotech was winning the fight simply because they pretty much own the government policy makers and agencies. Monsanto has served as a “human resources bank” for the federal government, with direct ties to Supreme Court justices, the Food and Drug Administration, and presidential cabinets. They have donated mountains of money to politicians and have sneakily managed to write their own laws using those bought-and-paid for members of Congress.

But now with the success of the recent global March Against Monsanto and grassroots activism that is spreading like wildfire, they have had to step up their game.

First, they created a disinformation website called “GMO Answers” in which they provide “answers” for anyone who is curious about genetically modified foods. On this website they support all of the GMO myths that they are trying to perpetuate and make acceptable.

They are also infiltrating popular culture and are particularly targeting the minds of our children.

Most people don’t want to believe it. They say, “Oh, it’s just a cartoon.” They tell us to take off the tinfoil hats. They scoff at our paranoia.

But the fact remains that cartoons abound with references to GMOs, pesticides, and biotech. These things are portrayed in a heroic positive light. No, they aren’t whispering in the background “Monsantoisgood …… Monsantoisgood ….. Monsantoisgood”. (At least I don’t think they are.) But they are portraying biotech as the saviors of the world, the solvers of world hunger, a presence that is just THERE and must hence be accepted.

One of the administrators on the March Against Monsanto page on Facebook posted the following picture and comment:

It is sickening how our youth are being indoctrinated to think pesticides are great. Are you aware the newest Pixar movie, Planes, main character is a crop duster? Why?? 
Another children’s movie, Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2, has a synopsis that is about cross-breeding animals with food. This is unacceptable. 
What are your thoughts on this?
I recently wrote about something similar, when I discussed the product placement and the “GMOs are good” propaganda in Futurama.

The admin from MAM ran into the same problem that I did: people scoffed.
“It’s just a cartoon, chill out.” 
“There are legitimate problems out there. This is the complaint of some far reaching parent who sues the school when their kid get a scraped knee.” 
“I think you are reaching on this one…” 
“I’m really getting annoyed by March Against Monsantos hysterical propaganda. I’m against GMO and support the cause, but seriously stop filling the site with this bullshit. It’s enough with the terrifying truth no need to oversell the legitimacy of this cause.”
Sheer cognitive dissonance in action.

No one wants to believe that they and their children are being subtly brainwashed, that their opinions are being slyly altered, and that their perceptions are being manipulated.

Right now, our kids are under a mental attack. They are learning that this is just how farming is, and that GMOs are nothing but beneficial – GMOs are heroic even. By subtly placing mentions of genetic modification and toxic farming methods with positive connotations, this suddenly becomes a societal norm.

By making it seem normal and innocuous, our arguments against GMO and toxic farming make us sound like a bunch of flat-earth believing fruit cakes. And this is exactly what the plan is – to marginalize the debate and to make nay-sayers seem ignorant and ill-informed about the “benefits.” They are trying to create a platform of “common knowledge” by making it appear that this is the accepted reality.

By presenting this perceived reality to children, they are attempting to make it actual reality, and by the time these children reach adulthood, it will be all that they have ever been exposed to – a toxic world full of toxic manipulated food.

Even more harmful is the trance-like state that most people go into when watching television and movies. People drift into a level of consciousness during which they are very susceptible to suggestions.
Type ‘television’ and ‘low vibrational energy’ into a search engine, and it’ll quickly return the fact that watching a lot of TV is like undressing your mind and submerging it into a bath of negative energy. TV effectively numbs the left side of your brain and renders you helpless to your right brain which is incapable of decoding and critically analyzing the information being presented to you. Essentially, you go on ‘auto-pilot’. 
Thus, everyone is put into a hypnotic state that author Wes Moore says, “produces highly functional, mobile ‘bio-survival robots.’” There’s a reason he dubbed television an “opiate of the masses“. 
TV programs us. We tune in, drop out and stop asking questions. 
Some of Krugman’s more interesting conclusions from his 1969 TV brainwave research include:
  • “Internal Alpha responses can be stimulated by appropriate external rhythms or frequencies.”
  • “The time may come when the mass media may create special programs to help people modify certain attitudes or behavior.”
  • “This means that passively learned material has an important ‘advantage’ which some have also associated with so called subliminal perception, extrasensory perception, or hypnotism.”
  • “For early education there may be an opportunity to accept the fact that many children fidget in class, and that this interference with their attention is not to be blamed on parents, teachers, or the child. Mild drugging of these children, or training in relaxation through Alpha driving, may be dramatically helpful to their educational achievement.” [Emphasis Added]
  • “For public television there may be an opportunity to accept without shame the fact that it has taught violence to an entire generation. The clear store of television violence is not that a new generation is more violent but that the new generation knows more violence. The political consequences of this may yet be what some would call ‘good’ (e.g., pacifist).” [Emphasis Added]
  • “It is possible that the relaxed and successful character of passive learning can be enhanced by the artificial induction of Alpha rhythm, this with the aid of a flickering light.” [Emphasis Added]
Your brain on TV, ladies and gentlemen. It’s a basic form of mind control. (Check out this MUST READ article, HERE!)

The biotech industry rakes in billions of dollars every year for poisoning our food, our groundwater, and our air. It isn’t unrealistic to believe that some of their budget would be turned towards fighting the growing awareness of their deadly impact on the world. Through insinuating a set of beliefs into the next generation, they are paving the way for even further domination of farming.

The only antidote to the brainwashing is the knowledge that it is occurring.
  • Watch what your children watch and look for teachable moments.
  • Make your home GMO-free.
  • Explain to your kids on a regular basis why you avoid toxic ingredients.
  • Talk to your children about the concept of propaganda and encourage them to notice when they are subjected to it. 
Each of us, as parents, can have more influence than the media, but we must exercise that influence through our lifestyles. We must be alert to the paid propaganda that constantly inundates our kids and inform them that it’s happening. It’s virtually impossible to keep them in a bubble, insulated from propaganda but we can fight back with information and truth.

Facebook reportedly considering adding 1+ billion members’ photos to facial recognition database

Facebook is considering adding the majority of its over 1 billion members’ profile photos to a massive facial recognition database, according to Reuters.

Though they’ve considered this move in the past, the process was delayed by a significant amount of outcry from European legislators. That hasn’t stopped them from developing the technology, evidenced by their acquisition of Israeli facial recognition company last year.

Facebook revealed the possible action in an update to their data use policy on Thursday, Reuters reports, something which they claim is aimed at improving the performance of their “Tag Suggest” feature.

“Tag Suggest” uses facial recognition technology to make the process of tagging people in photos posted to Facebook faster and easier. Many privacy advocates voiced concerns about the capability when it was first announced in 2011.

Currently, Facebook automatically identifies faces in someone’s new photos uploaded to the site by comparing them to previous pictures the users were tagged in.

As Reuters interestingly points out, “The changes would come at a time when Facebook and other Internet companies’ privacy practices are under scrutiny, following the revelations of a U.S. government electronic surveillance program.”

Indeed, reports revealed that internet giants like Google and Facebook worked directly with the government on the PRISM program, though they issued cleverly worded denials after the reports were published.

The obvious implication is that this type of information could be used by the government, which would hardly be surprising given the amount of money spent on facial recognition programs.

Facebook Chief Privacy Officer Erin Egan claimed that the proposed move would actually give users better control over their personal information by making it easier to identify the photos in which they appear.

“Our goal is to facilitate tagging so that people know when there are photos of them on our service,” Egan said.

Interestingly, Egan could not deny that the facial recognition technology could be used for other features.

“Can I say that we will never use facial recognition technology for any other purposes? Absolutely not,” Egan said.

However, she said that Facebook users who are uncomfortable with the idea of their profile pictures being used in a giant facial recognition database will still have the ability to opt-out of the Tag Suggest feature.

The entire feature is “not available in Europe due to concerns raised by regulators there,” Reuters reports.

While Egan could not say if facial recognition will be used for anything other than Tag Suggest, she claimed “if we decided to use it in different ways we will continue to provide people transparency about that and we will continue to provide control.”

Facebook also changed the language contained in its Statement of Rights and Responsibilities in order to indicate that users under 18 have “indicated that their parent or legal guardian has given Facebook permission to let marketers use ‘some’ of their personal data in ads. It’s unclear what constitutes ‘some,’” International Business Times reports.

Source: End the Lie

Kerry's Cozy Past with Assad, 'He's a Very Generous Man'

Secretary of State John Kerry is calling for the overthrow and murder of his friend, Syria's president Assad, claiming definitively that he used chemical weapons against his own people.

John Kerry was a frequent visitor of Assad's over the last few years.  Perhaps no one in U.S. politics knows him better than Kerry who was complimentary of Assad as short as 2 years ago when he referred to him as a "very generous man".

Power couples dine together in 2009

Kerry (America) has not provided the world with any proof other than grainy videos allegedly taken during the event and a declassified report which is probably as reliable as Bush's Iraq 45 minutes to nuclear launch reports. Assad has emphatically denied the accusations, and no independent source has yet confirmed America's claims.

"Well, I personally believe that -- I mean, this is my belief, okay? But President Assad has been very generous with me in terms of the discussions we have had. And when I last went to -- the last several trips to Syria -- I asked President Assad to do certain things to build the relationship with the United States and sort of show the good faith that would help us to move the process forward," Kerry said in 2011.

It's hard to believe the notion that Assad would be so foolish. The strategic idiocy in launching chemical attacks, not on the rebel fighters but on civilian loyalists near Damascus, knowing full well that it would invite Western intervention makes very little sense.

We are supposed to believe that Assad, who speaks perfect English, is stupid and evil. Not likely.

In fact, Assad was actually a strong ally in fighting Al Qaeda until America teamed up with Al Qaeda to destroy him and his country.

Source: Acivist Post

Definitive Proof the Media is Scripted

Friday, August 23, 2013

Germany Warns Windows 8 is Dangerous – Is Microsoft a Giant Short?


I reported that Windows 8 was dangerous. Some wrote to argue I was wrong. I wrote why NASA announced it was dumping Windows 8 and that even Skype should not be used. Microsoft has been criticized for the Prism affair. Now appears that Windows 8 is especially dangerous. The German government warns against Microsoft program because it has the ability to control the hardware and software of the computer. The NSA can enter you computer remotely. Has Microsoft created economic suicide?


Many laptops are now pre-installed with Windows 8 sold or delivered. The new program from Microsoft is not very successful, but is heavily promoted. Even companies that German authorities and the federal government, for example, will gradually work with this operating system. But here there are significant security vulnerabilities.

To warn IT experts before the federal program and refer to it as dangerous. There was a gap in Windows 8, which is a high security risk, reports the time with reference to documents of the Federation. This refers to the so-called Trusted Computing. A technology with about Microsoft may access the hardware and software of the computer operated with Windows 8. And thus the NSA, finally there is a very close cooperation between them ( here ).

In the document in which the IT experts of the Federal warn of the vulnerabilities of Windows 8, it says in part: “Due to the loss of full sovereignty over information technology” would be “the security objectives ‘confidentiality’ and ‘integrity’ no longer would ensure t . use the ‘Trusted Computing’ technique in this form (…) “For this reason was” not acceptable to the federal government and the operators of critical infrastructure. ”

In any laptop, any computer is using Windows 8 a “Aufpasserchip called, trusted computing modules’ (TPM) can be integrated,” warns the cryptographer and security researcher RĂ¼diger Weis in a conversation with :

“Together with the method now implemented by Microsoft within Windows 8 (in particular, secure boot), the user is largely beyond the control of its own hardware and software. It reminds fatal to an electronic ankle bracelet. For example, asked about the network can be approved only if software is running., The end of personal computers and smartphones. It sounds like a dream for runaway intelligence agencies and repressive states. (…)

Explosive, for example, the fact that the secret key generated during the manufacturing process, external to the chip and then transferred into the chip. Here it is trivial to produce a copy of all keys. It is not excluded that such laws exist and this must not be reported. The TPM chip is a dream for the NSA. Also, the other realistic scenario is that the TPM manufacturers do not sit in the range of the NSA but in China, can not really calm down. ”

In this context, the new information about the extent of spying by the NSA also of importance. Between employees of the NSA, the Government and employees of companies that cooperate with the secret, revealed that the Internet surveillance was much more extensive and, as previously thought.

Thus, the system of the NSA disponer the ability to listen to and store, for example, about 75 percent of the Internet traffic in the U.S., reports the WSJ . More than twelve Internet nodes of the USA to access the data.

This is not negligible even for Germany. The federal government made ​​in response to a request of the SPD to point out that although the alleged wiretaps were legal in Germany. But there are some cases where the communication is purely out in Germany yet passed over the country. It is at this point can then, for example, the foreign intelligence agencies to access it - regardless of German law.

Can access the question of which way secret knowledge of the Federal Government outside of Germany on communication data, answers the federal government:

“For Internet communication for the transmission of data is not necessarily the shortest path is chosen, a geographically much longer route can be quite attractive to an Internet service provider due to lower financial costs. Such a transmission outside the Federal Republic of Germany is not ruled out even if intra-German communication. As a result, this means that even with intra-German communication, access to networks or servers abroad, over which the transmission takes place, can not be excluded. “

Read More @

Thursday, August 22, 2013

NSA recommends physically removing iSight webcam from Apple laptops for security reasons

(Image credit: studiocurve/Flickr)

(Image credit: studiocurve/Flickr)

In an undated National Security Agency (NSA) factsheet, the agency recommends having the built-in iSight webcam on Apple computers physically removed as a security measure.

It is worth noting that surveillance software capable of hijacking a webcam and microphone in real time is marketed directly to governments, including the U.S. government.

Furthermore, the FBI has reportedly hired hackers to create malware capable of similarly hijacking a laptop microphone and the U.S. government is now the largest buyer of malware in the world.

Interestingly, an NSA factsheet on hardening techniques for Mac OS X includes going as far as having the iSight camera physically removed from a device.

“The best way to disable an integrated iSight camera is to have an Apple-certified technician remove it,” the factsheet states.

The Atlantic points out that “if the NSA doesn’t trust a particular piece of hardware can’t be used for surveillance, it’s probably safe to assume an average user shouldn’t either.”

“Placing opaque tape over the camera is less secure but still helpful,” the factsheet continues.

It also states that users can remove /System/Library/Quicktime/QuicktimeUSBVDCDigitizer.component in order to block some programs from accessing the camera, though they say that such a method is “less persistent but still helpful.”

The factsheet also outlines how to disable the microphone without having it physically removed.

“To mute the internal microphone, open the Sound preference pane, select the Input tab, and set the microphone input volume level to zero,” it states.

“To disable the microphone, even if it means crippling the sound system, remove the following file from /System/Library/Extensions: IOAudioFamily.kext,” the factsheet states.

The NSA has many publicly available factsheets covering similar topics.

The Atlantic points out that these guides – aimed at protecting employees, contractors and associates – can also be used “to protect yourself from hackers — inside or outside the government.”

Source: End the Lie

West Coast of North America to Be Hit Hard by Fukushima Radiation

Radiation Levels Will Concentrate in Pockets In Baja California and Other West Coast Locations

An ocean current called the North Pacific Gyre is bringing Japanese radiation to the West Coast of North America:

North Pacific Subtropical Convergence Zone FDA Refuses to Test Fish for Radioactivity ... Government Pretends Radioactive Fish Is Safe

While many people assume that the ocean will dilute the Fukushima radiation, a previously-secret 1955 U.S. government report concluded that the ocean may not adequately dilute radiation from nuclear accidents, and there could be “pockets” and “streams” of highly-concentrated radiation.

The University of Hawaii’s International Pacific Research Center created a graphic showing the projected dispersion of debris from Japan:

Last year, scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory and 3 scientists from the GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences showed that radiation on the West Coast of North America could end up being 10 times higher than in Japan:

p>After 10 years the concentrations become nearly homogeneous over the whole Pacific, with higher values in the east, extending along the North American coast with a maximum (~1 × 10−4) off Baja California. 


With caution given to the various idealizations (unknown actual oceanic state during release, unknown release area, no biological effects included, see section 3.4), the following conclusions may be drawn. (i) Dilution due to swift horizontal and vertical dispersion in the vicinity of the energetic Kuroshio regime leads to a rapid decrease of radioactivity levels during the first 2 years, with a decline of near-surface peak concentrations to values around 10 Bq m−3 (based on a total input of 10 PBq). The strong lateral dispersion, related to the vigorous eddy fields in the mid-latitude western Pacific, appears significantly under-estimated in the non-eddying (0.5°) model version. (ii) The subsequent pace of dilution is strongly reduced, owing to the eastward advection of the main tracer cloud towards the much less energetic areas of the central and eastern North Pacific. (iii) The magnitude of additional peak radioactivity should drop to values comparable to the pre-Fukushima levels after 6–9 years (i.e. total peak concentrations would then have declined below twice pre-Fukushima levels). (iv) By then the tracer cloud will span almost the entire North Pacific, with peak concentrations off the North American coast an order-of-magnitude higher than in the western Pacific.


(“Order-of-magnitude” is a scientific term which means 10 times higher.  The “Western Pacific” means Japan’s East Coast.)

In May, a team of scientists from Spain, Australia and France concluded that the radioactive cesium would look more like this:

And a team of top Chinese scientists has just published a study in the Science China Earth Sciences journal showing that Fukushima nuclear pollution is becoming more concentrated as it approaches the West Coast of the United States, that the plume crosses the ocean in a nearly straight line toward North America, and that it appears to stay together with little dispersion:

p>On March 30, 2011, the Japan Central News Agency reported the monitored radioactive pollutions that were 4000 times higher than the standard level. Whether or not these nuclear pollutants will be transported to the Pacific-neighboring countries through oceanic circulations becomes a world-wide concern.


The time scale of the nuclear pollutants reaching the west coast of America is 3.2 years if it is estimated using the surface drifting buoys and 3.9 years if it is estimated using the nuclear pollutant particulate tracers.


p>The half life of cesium-137 is so long that it produces more damage to human. Figure 4 gives the examples of the distribution of the impact strength of Cesium-137 at year 1.5 (panel (a)), year 3.5 (panel (b)), and year 4 (panel (c)).


It is worth noting that due to the current near the shore cannot be well reconstructed by the global ocean reanalysis, some nuclear pollutant particulate tracers may come to rest in near shore area, which may result in additional uncertainty in the estimation of the impact strength.


Since the major transport mechanism of nuclear pollutants for the west coast of America is the Kuroshio-extension currents, after four years, the impact strength of Cesium-137 in the west coast area of America is as high as 4%.