Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Silent War Within the Brains of U.S. Soldiers

While many "patriotic" Americans feel good about cheering on their soldiers to enter any and every battlefield that politicians and elites convince them is necessary, there already have been signs that the stress of such long-term battle is taking a horrible mental toll.

There is an equally troubling discussion by the military about how best to cover up the consequences of the trauma endured. We have read about the testing of neuroscience applications that can erase traumatic memories with just the pop of a pill. However, it is the more common pharmaceutical prescription drugs that are increasingly widespread. As discussed in the video below, there are now 110,000 troops on amphetamines, antidepressants, and sedatives among other prescribed medications, which is leading to higher rates of suicide, and poor judgement resulting in the deaths of friends and foes alike.

Most soldiers and their families wouldn't imagine that the sanctioned scrambling of brains by psychoactive drugs would be part of the risk. But, then again, the U.S. government has a history of experimentation and neglect of soldiers and their families even as they head back to civilian life.

As America descends into full-blown Martial Law, many of these drug-addled brains are landing in America, thereby creating a scenario that is all but guaranteed to become violently obvious even to those who have chosen to ignore this mounting problem.

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