Monday, October 17, 2011

How The Fiat Money Ponzi Scheme Works

Our whole Financial System if a Ponzi scheme, our Treasury has no money to speak of they are having the Federal Reserve making money out of thin air! It is the biggest scam there is, the money only has a value of four cent on the dollar, which is why we have no buying power, and why everything cost so much! The amazing thing is currently you create credit when you take out a loan. The bad thing about this is that there is Interest attached to the Principle. From a philosophic view this is why you are a serf or a slave to the owners of the banking corporations.The banking system & the F up part is that society doesn't know how corrupted the banks really are. Money = debt x interest & credit what keeps us average income people stuck or loosing property -- some day it will all come to and end & the infamous $ dollar will perish to dust! How sad but true ! The Federal Reserves -- was an act of greed n even now the millennium system is full of inflation where it would only keep on growing people what to do? Fraud

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